Creating variables in your T-SQL queries are useful in several instances. In T-SQL, you create variables using the DECLARE keyword. The first character of the variable name must start with the at-sign and you must assign a valid data type to the variable
DECLARE @variable_name data_type
Note that the variable must start with @ sign
Variable types in T-SQL
VARCHAR(n): variable length text field.
INT: can be used to store both positive and negative numbers.
DECIMAL(p,s) and NUMERIC(p,s): p: total number of decimal digits to be stored from both sided. s: number of decimal digits to be stored on the right side.
Assigning variables in SQL
#declare the variable
#set a value to the variable
SET @name = 'Chuck'
#show the value
SELECT @name
WHILE evaluates a true or false condition
After the WHILE, there should be a line with the keyword BEGIN
Next include code to run until the condition in the WHILE loop is true
After the code add the keyword END
BREAK will cause an exit out of the loop
CONTINUE will cause the loop to continue after a stop
DECLARE @counter INT
SET @counter = 20
-- Create a loop
@counter < 30
-- Loop code starting point
SELECT @counter = @counter + 1
-- Loop finish
-- Check the value of the variable
SELECT @counter