Python String Formats

Python String Formats

There are couple of ways you could format your strings. Formatting your code makes it flexible for use. Here are some ways you could format your code:

The use of %

% is used to format different kinds of inputs. Here are a couple of ways you could use it. %d is used to format digits. %s is used to format strings. %x is used for hexadecimal number.

x = 'looked'
print('Aisha %s and %s around'%('walked', x))

The % placeholder gets replaced by the string value defined. So the first %s gets replaced by 'walked' and the second %s gets replaces by 'looked'. Screenshot 2022-07-03 at 12.26.41.png

num = 7

print('There are %d days in a week'%num)

%d is a format for digits. num values replaces the placeholder for digits.

>>>hex_num = 50159747054

>>>print('there is a %x error'%hex_num)

'there is a badc0ffee error'

Format method (str.format)

name = 'Bill'
>>>‘Hello {}’.format(name)
Hello Bill

>>>print('My name is {name}, my age is {age}, my location is {location}'.format(name='Smith', age=13, location='Africa'))
My name is Smith, my age is 13, my location is Africa

>>>print('My name is {0}, my age is {1}, my location is {2}'.format('Smith',13, 'Africa'))
My name is Smith, my age is 13, my location is Africa

String Interpolation/ f-string

name = ‘Will’
>>> print(f'The author\'s name is {name}')
The author's name is Will

>>> a = 5
>>> b = 7
>>> print(f'The multiple of {a} and {b} is {(a * b)}.')
The multiple of 5 and 7 is 35.

The use of Template

>>>from string import Template

>>>name = 'Richie'
>>>t = Template('Hey, $name')
'Hey, Richie'

The use of +

>>>firstname = 'Will'
>>>lastname = 'Salah'
>>>print(firstname +' ' +lastname)
Will Salah

The use of ,

>>>firstname = 'Will'
>>>lastname = 'Salah'
>>>print(firstname , lastname)
Will Salah